From its main window, you can see the status of the server and the root dictionary, allowing you instant access. It has a clean and minimalist interface and is unlikely to give a user any trouble. Solarwinds TFTP Server comes simple in both design and usage. As a result, you can save valuable time when managing large networks with many devices. With it, you can concurrently upload and download images from multiple network devices.

As noted the program is a multi-threaded server.

Also, as an additional parameter, you can limit the usage to send or receive files directly to the server. These transfers are secure as it lets you authorize specific IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses. The app also allows file transfer of up to 4GB without file size concerns. You can also upload or download configurations to multi-vendor network devices. Here, you can backup and restore IOS files and hardware configuration from TFTP servers back and forth. The most likely use of this app is for the storage of network equipment configuration files and forwarding patches, as well as firmware updates to routers and switches. Solarwinds TFTP Server is a TFTP protocol.